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A Vision of Murder (Psychic Eye Series #3)

A Vision of Murder - Victoria Laurie A Vision of Murder is the 3rd book in the Psychic Eye Mystery series. This edition centers around a haunted house that Abby, her sister Cat and Dave purchased. The story has some funny moments since Abby's scared of ghosts, Dave refuses to enter the house and Cat just wants to make money. There's some serious sexual tension happenin' between Abby and Dutch when he doesn't "listen to Abby's reading" and gets shot in the butt. LOL!We get to see a bit more of Theresa when Abby reconnects with her former roommate for some psychic assistance. And, Cat deals with some frustrating family issues when Mom isn't content staying in the massive guest house she built just for them. At least Cat admits that she doesn't know why she can run a multi-million-dollar business, but not deal with her mother. Dutch and Abby have some "I'm just trying to protect you" arguments, which, of course, leads Abby to rebel and try to do things on her own. She should know by now that only brings trouble.While I enjoyed this edition to the series, I didn't like it quite as much as the previous two. I will definitely continue on with the series though.Series Reading Order:Abby Cooper, Psychic Eye Better Read Than Dead