** Spoiler Warning: If you haven't read [b:Sanctum|13482750|Sanctum (Guards of the Shadowlands, #1)|Sarah Fine|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1353166271s/13482750.jpg|19016498], I recommend you skip this review. I have left it open because the blurb gives away more than I have, but both my review and the blurb are spoilerish. So, go back and start at the beginning! Fractured picks up shortly after [b:Sanctum|13482750|Sanctum (Guards of the Shadowlands, #1)|Sarah Fine|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1353166271s/13482750.jpg|19016498]. Lela is back in Rhode Island, as ordered by the Judge, and must now battle the Mazikin who have escaped from the Shadowlands. For her, a lot has changed because of the time she spent in the Shadowlands, but for Diane, her foster mother, only a day has passed since she last saw her. Lela's still a teenager who must stay out of trouble and attend high school. All of which is easier said than done when she's meant to be battling evil and protecting the living. Thankfully for Lela, Malachi and Raphael (their angel-esque companion) are there to help. Soon after, two guards from other cities join their guard as well. Jim, from the Blinding City, has trouble following orders. However, Henry, from the Wasteland, does not. Lela's new leadership position proves challenging, but with the support of the men, they begin hunting the Mazikin. Recently, people in RI have spotted others running on all fours, which the team knows to be a characteristic of Mazikin (spirits that can possess people, not only possessing their bodies, but also accessing their memories and skills). They begin to fear four guards may not be enough to get the job done. Although some battles have been won, the war is just beginning. The team must work together, which proves challenging, if they have any hope of succeeding in their mission. Another challenge - these men have been out of the "real world" for decades and much has changed. Not only that, they are no longer able to kill at will, they must follow societal laws. ... it felt so upside down. Malachi was the leader between us, not me. I wanted him to be in charge, but at the same time I realized he couldn't be. Not here. Not on my turf, where everything he'd learned over the last seventy years would get us in a crapload of trouble."I never expected to be a liability, Lela. I want to be an asset to you. I want to destroy anything that threatens you." The setting of the book differs from that of [b:Sanctum|13482750|Sanctum (Guards of the Shadowlands, #1)|Sarah Fine|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1353166271s/13482750.jpg|19016498]. No longer in the Shadowlands, the gang must attend high school, which creates all sorts of new experiences for the guards as well as teenage drama. Regardless, Lela's determined to stay on track. The sexual tension between Lela and Malachi melts the page. Their fragility is almost palpable. The ending will take your breath away! I really like Sarah Fine's writing style and am now fully invested in these characters. I cannot wait for the next installment. I NEED it, but sadly, will have to wait. Thank you to Amazon Children's Publishing and NetGalley for providing an advanced copy.Quotes are taken from the pre-published copy and may be altered or omitted from the final copy.