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Halfway Hexed (Southern Witch Series #3)

Halfway Hexed - Kimberly Frost Halfway Hexed takes place only four days after Tammy Jo was almost incinerated and drowned during the events in Barely Bewitched. But, she's "hopeful that {she} could balance {her} new life as a witch with {her} old life as a pastry chef." In fact, she's accepted her first pastry commission, for the Texas Friends of Fish and Fowl, to create a chocolate sculpture for their centerpiece. Sounds normal enough. No sweat, right? No such luck!See, Tammy Jo is a trouble magnet! She's a tough cookie though and, with the help of the sexy wizard, Bryn, she's usually able to come out on top. This time Bryn and Tammy Jo are under investigation by WAM, the World Association of Magic. On top of that, she's received a broach from London and is having visions of a woman she's never met. Zach is absent during this book. Which, as a reader that doesn't care for love triangles, doesn't help resolve the 'ex-husband who is trying to come to grips with magic and the hottie wizard who I'm drawn to like a magnet, but am told I not to see' issues. The "resolution" to the triangle left much to be desired, IMO. I've always been rooting for Bryn, so I guess I should be happy with how it ended up. But, I wanted more.Fortunately, for fans of the series, we are rewarded with the big reveal of the family history and reason she's been told to steer clear of Bryn. Tammy Jo and Bryn learn why she had problems with her magic. And, those definitely got a big woohoo! from me! Tammy Jo's gift for being in the middle of everything that can go wrong in a town that you'd miss on the highway was taken to the extreme in this edition to the series. There were multiple kidnappings and shootings that, surprise, she found herself in the midst of throughout. The action is non-stop throughout, as always. Things move very fast in this series - the time line between all three books is probably no more than 3-4 weeks. That's a lot of drama for one person to experience!Overall Rating: 3.5★