{Creator & Moderator of SOS: Serious Overload of Series on Goodreads & BookLikes}

~ Bless this Mess ~

Those who know me will tell ya ... I've got a wicked case of OCD.  I am havin' serious issues with the state of my shelves and blog 'round here.  So, please be patient as I work furiously to clean it up a bit. 


So far, the only way I've found to correct my completely jacked up GR-imported reviews is to reblog them with the corrections.  So, you're sure to be seein' some I've reviewed eons ago and some more recent.  I'm attackin' 'um as a I find 'um.  But, if you know of a way to correct GR-imported reviews without reblogging and editing them, I'd welcome the help.


Also, holy green book covers, Batman!  I've uploaded hundreds of cover art pics to those books that were nekked, 'cept for the super smexy green sport coat.  Hopefully that's also helped out others whose bookshelves were rockin' the green.  For those with incorrect cover art, I'm at a loss.  I'm guessin' BL will have to correct those. 


Suggestions appreciated -- Should ditch the multi shelves that were imported from GR, stick with the basic read/to-be/wishlist generals and instead use tags to sort/organize my books and reviews?    Oy!  What's a girl strugglin' with an OCDemoness to do?!


