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Legacy (The Niteclif Evolutions #1) by Denise Tompkins

Legacy (The Niteclif Evolutions #1) - Denise Tompkins

Madeleine "Maddy" Niteclif needs a change. Where better to start anew than England. Upon her arrival, she feels a strong pull to head straight to Stonehenge. Once there, she makes a wish for "a changed reality".

That night, she quickly learns that wish or no wish, a changed reality is exactly what she's gotten. Turns out, she's a third generation Niteclif, descendant of Sherlock, and she's required to "... accept [her legacy] by age of thirty and pick up the mantle of service for minimum of ten years." And, to her surprise, two men (one dragon-shifter and one fae - both gorgeous, of course) want to "help her" and be her one and only.

The book was a quick read, however I wasn't fond of Maddy and the ending felt rushed. Had it not been for the supernatural twist on a old favorite, I probably would've rated it lower. I'd wanted to love this book and dig into another fun series. Hell, I even bought Wrath (book #2) before reading book 1. I'm just not sure I liked it enough to continue.

Good bits:
* Great opening line ... "I once heard someone say it's a good thing the world sucks or we'd all fall off."
* Nice paranormal spin on the story of Sherlock Holmes
* Dragon shifter with a Scottish accent *sigh*

Frustrating bit:
* Maddy says, "I don't read romance novels, so I refuse to use the words burgeoning, smoldering, blazing, heroic, manly, or turgid in any of my conversations - even in my dreams. So yeah, look pretty."

Then ...

She says, "I'm not into that supernatural, paranormal crap that seems to have taken over literature - okay, the world. Though I really do absolutely love Laurell K. Hamilton, and I did like Twilight, but ..."

Then ...

When asked, "I thought you said you didn't read romance novels." Her response is, "I had one forgettable adventure with that type of novel, and it was so generally bad that I had to put it down. Now I stick to the darker stuff."

For the record, thanks to my handy-dandy Kindle, I'm able to tell ya that she said "manly" once in reference to someone's "manly potpourri" scent. But, other than that she didn't use the other words at all.

I've never read a LKH book (shocker, I know), but I believe they are classified as supernatural, paranormal crap romances. Twilight is as well and it's definitely not classifiable as "dark". The disdain for "supernatural, paranormal crap" one minute, admitting to not only reading them but loving them the next, and then immediately accepting that her new reality is overflowing with the supernatural didn't fit for me.